Which is better for images PNG or JPG ?

Each format has its own strengths and weaknesses JPG or PNG_PDF_PSD_AI_JPEG_EPS_GIF
Images formats

When it comes to photos, there are a number of formats to choose from in saving as a digital copy. Each format has its own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right format can be a huge advantage.

Two of these formats are JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) and PNG (Portable Graphics Format) the main difference between JPG and PNG in compression algorithms that they use, they use the JPG compression algorithm with data loss that ignore some of the information of the image to reduce the file size, in contrast use the PNG algorithm keeps all the information.

With PNG the image quality will not change but the file size will usually be larger, on the other hand JPG images can be made very small, but the quality can deteriorate very quickly from a certain point.

JPG is more widely used because images tend to transition smoothly between colors and tones, JPG also provides excellent compression with little or no loss in image quality reducing the size to one tenth of the size you would get if you used lossless compression as PNG does. 

With PNG, it is often used when creating or modifying images such as animations and other unreal images. For example, a background image containing a single color can be compressed by PNG to a very small size because the Pixel content is identical.

Another feature of JPG that makes it better for photos is its ability to include EXIF as the latter contains information related to the image such as the time and place it was taken, color profiles and the like, this information can be very useful for the photographer when browsing or editing his photos. PNG cannot include EXIF, but it has the ability to make areas of the image transparent.

 Transparency is essential if you want to display images of objects in different backgrounds as many websites use the transparent style of images to make their pages look more attractive to the viewer.

   Summary :
JPG is a format that can lose some image details, while PNG is a format that saves image data from loss.

JPG is better for images while PNG is better for images created or modified.

JPG supports embedding EXIF data while PNG does not .

PNG supports transparency while JPG does not.


Images formats

After completing the design, it must be saved for publication or refer to it for editing،The eight most popular formulas currently in use are :

The basic formula in Photoshop helps to save the work with all its layers and you can edit it at any time

It is a format for transferring images between applications and basic computer systems and Photoshop Raw differs from the Camera Raw format

You can handle only 256 colors, which are indexed colors, and often animated images are saved in this format

It is a format that consumes little storage space and some web designers rely on it for its high quality with its small size

It is a format suitable for desktop publishing software that preserves Fonts, page format, raster and vector graphics and displays them accurately

We talked about it earlier and it is a format that contains more than 256 colors, it also retains all colors with its alpha channels, used to save transparent backgrounds

Is a flexible bitmap format for file sharing between applications and systems, theoretically supported by graphic, editing and desktop publishing applications

It is a format for large documents, up to three million pixels in any dimension, powered by the Photoshop version CS and above


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