Learn about Blogger compared to WordPress

Blogger is a CMS content platform just like WordPress, Joomla, Wix...The platform was founded by someone named Evan Williams in the nineties and he sold it to Google in 2003, and went on to contribute to the establishment of Twitter, and blogger is currently the second most used content platform after WordPress, and can in the common belief that anything free is bad and of course this belief is completely wrong because WordPress

At the hosting level

When a WordPress user gets 10 thousand visitors per day, he will need to buy hosting for a monthly amount, while you can simply make double that number for your site without fear of problems such as stopping the site from working, as happens with some WordPress users, and this is simply because your site is hosted on the most powerful servers in The world, which is Google servers, not only this, Blogger provides you with a free SSL protection certificate that you install on the blog in two steps and the activation is done in 5 minutes and all this for free, in other platforms you must pay for this certificate with the possibility of facing problems installing or changing it if the change hosting.

Speed level

Suppose that we have two sites with the same content and the same template on WordPress blogs location Pleuger will be faster, first hosting as we talked about whatever hosting company that works on WordPress can be functioning the strongest of the servers of Google, when the lift is a photo of the site they are moving to a subdomain that provides faster loading, dot art also that the platform blogger call it Platform Client Side and that of your programmed in the languages of the browser can understand, translate, and display them to the user as HTML, CSS, etc., while the opposite for WordPress and copy its Platform Server Side, Because the programming languages that are used in programming templates WordPress like PHP can't browser translation It converts it to the server that translates it and then converts it to the HTML page and sends it to the browser in order to display it, of course, all this process reduces the speed of the site.

At the Templates level

Blogger provides a range of free templates, but mostly a lot of bloggers use paid or free third-party templates.
In WordPress, the price of the template is twice as expensive compared to the blogger templates with difficulty in installing the template, especially novice users, unlike blogger, all you have to do is raise the template and modify it from the layout or from within the template Edit HTML on very simple things.

Protection level

The best feature in blogger is the protection feature, as it is not allowed to access the root of the site, meaning in short there is no access to all files on the site, your authority is limited in making posts, changing the design of the site, changing the domain and so on.

Although some believe that this is one of the disadvantages of blogger, but many consider it a very important feature, where all you need to do is just protect the Google account where the blog was created here you have protected your site, unlike the WordPress user who will suffer from the concern of the hosting company and the plugins that he uses and the template used, where it is possible that these things are the cause of the penetration of your site or to be infected with malware, means it is possible to copy the entire site and steal its content through a free template or a normal add-on installed.
This is in addition to the WordPress script itself is dangerous because it is open source and every period is discovered gaps in it, and although those gaps are fixed quickly but before that may be damaged by some users, and the fact that WordPress is the most popular platform makes it more vulnerable to search for gaps and try to exploit them.

At the indexing level

Some people think that archiving has more to do with the platform that was used and this is not true, it's just that the indexing of the site is fast and on any platform for a lot of reasons, including the popularity of the site, the rate of publication and the status of the search engine... Also, the search spiders love light sites that are easy to move inside, and this feature is found in abundance in the sites of blogger, because the platform languages of light programming languages fast implementation, the site server does not fall and does not slow down, and the script blogger lighter than WordPress script.

Will blogger delete your site at any time

Do not worry from this point of view, it does not mean that once your site is hosted free of charge that blogger will delete it at any time, when you create a blog on the platform adheres to the terms and conditions of service of the Blogger platform, if you adhere to it your site will always work, but if you violate the terms your site will hudhf, and you are notified hudhf with allowing you to submit an objection and review the hudhf. This is like what YouTube does by deleting offending videos... So you should know that any free or non-free service does not work if the user does not comply with the terms of Service.


  1. Anonymous
    I use blogger and it's very good ❤️
    1. Profitehub
      Yes it's good