LinkedIn professional assistant to own a job


 What is LinkedIn ? and what will benefit you

LinkedIn is the largest professional networking in the world to create relationships and develop professional capabilities, not like Facebook or Twitter and will show you the difference in many things compared to other sites, LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft contains 660 million members and 30 million companies, many companies worldwide turn to LinkedIn and rely on it to search for employees, and your account in LinkedIn is a dynamic resume more available and more viewed and your appearance professionally increases the chances of getting a job. 

How to join LinkedIn 

  • Login and register through the browser or via the LinkedIn app.
  • Make a profile containing your qualifications, skills, experience and achievements.
  • Follow-up pages in your field.
  • Follow the experts in your field.
  • Follow the pages of companies that want to follow their news.
  • Add your favorite job settings that you want to receive.

Features of LinkedIn

Through your account you can view your experiences and everything about your career path professionally available to all people.

It is possible to get the job in the company you want, as a large number of companies globally advertise their jobs exclusively on LinkedIn, in addition to that there is also a large number of responsible for recruitment (RH - their role is to search for employees for companies) and certainly will not find a better environment than LinkedIn to search through.

Through it you can read powerful and useful articles in your specialty, and keep track of what is new for your field.

LinkedIn is a great environment, through which it is possible to increase your network of relationships and meet people from the same field as you in all countries of the world.

Through LinkedIn you can learn about the biography of important people, the college they graduated from, where they work, how experienced they are in their field, and also find out what people think about him through the recommendations in his account. These features can also be exploited for a personal interview, as you will have prior knowledge about the people who will interview you.

How to create an attractive account

This is a set of tips that will help you build a strong :

Photo Profile

Put a professional photo of you on them in high quality and show your features well with a smile and a suitable background, where your photo is the first thing that others will see and give the first impression about you, you should stay away from the usual photos in other networking sites.

Main title 

The headline is the first part that appears in the accountrrll, and instead of just writing in your current position, try to market yourself more characteristically and remember what you're special about or what addition to me you add in your domain.


You should pay attention to the summary because it is one of the most important things that attracts job seekers, and write a brief about you that contains keywordsl El so that people who are looking for employees can reach you.

You can write the summary by answering the following questions (who you are – what you do – what distinguishes you in your specialty – how can I benefit from you and what you will offer me – how to communicate with you). In this part you can also raise your CV as you market for yourself and don't forget to be accurate in writing the information in a correct and professional way.

Work experience 

You should write a job description of your work with a mention of the achievements and tasks you have achieved in your work, how you have added value in your work or how you have accomplished a task in your work.

Skills and accolades

In this part you will show what skills you have that show you as one of the best in your field, and the testimonials are confirmation from people who have worked with you before on those skills and that you really have them.

Do not add skills that you do not have, as it will certainly harm you and will not benefit you in anything after, and you may be asked questions on those skills in interviews and thus fall into a bad situation.


By writing projects in which you have participated, workshops or even a research team all this will help to better showcase your achievements in your field.

Friends or relationships 

Try to have more than 500 relationships and friendships in your network LinkedIn 60% in your field and the rest is a mixture of other fields, as well as employees in the field of Human Resources in the companies you dream to work in, where the strength of LinkedIn is based in the network of relationships you have, and the extent of your communication with them.

You can also add people you have studied with in the same college, school or field of study around the world by selecting a LinkedIn Name's Find Alumni (Classmate) that informs you of everyone who has studied with you.


Try to have more than one recommendation at most from a position you have to have more credibility that sets you apart from the rest, you can get recommendations by asking them from people you have worked with directly.


Participate in groups that are specific to your field, and be active in them such as writing useful topics and commenting on other people's topics so that you increase your visibility and people feel your presence.


This feature will allow you to attach photos or view files to your account, it is possible to attach photos of you working in each position or specific files related to your field or business models of your work .

Training courses, certifications and volunteer experience

You will add here the training courses you have obtained, whether it is a certificate or a certificate, whether it is online through the internet or on the ground, and do not forget about the volunteer experiences as most companies are interested in this matter and is a proof of things such as activity, pursuit and expertise in a field.

The platform offers these benefits 

  • establish relationships with professionals in the same specialty.
  • training courses via LinkedIn learning.
  • PowerPoint offers via Slide share.
  • LinkedIn provides a marketing channel for professional services especially B2B.
  • helps you build a personal brand.
  • gives you a test of your writing skills in CV.
  • Training feature on Interview Questions in all disciplines.

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