Important steps to learning a new language

Most of us want or are trying to learn a new language to score an extra point within his experience and skills or be a desire and hobby he wants to develop, and you may be tired of the traditional methods and books that begin with the title (How to learn the language in three days ) for this we will give you the best :

👉 to love the language you want to learn and be a goal for you, an optimistic student who loves and enjoys the language it is very natural to excel in it and master it in the fastest time

👉 Among the most effective ways that enable you to enjoy the language is to start listening to the songs in the language you like to learn, because music and melody help to save the information in memory (of course not to hear all the songs however they were) but the right way is to choose a song that includes a translation of your

👉 To complete the fun you have to watch the movies you prefer once with the translation and again without it, but with concentration and attention to the way of pronunciation of letters and understand words and the way of using expressions on different topics,and watch and focus on the way people speak the language and the way to move the tongue and lips  

👉 one of the most effective ways is also to have this language is the only solution for you means to rely on this language as if it is the mother tongue and do not know to master others with trying to apply this even an hour a day

👉 trying to read books and paragraphs in the language you want to master is a way to determine the level you have reached in your language 

👉 I'll give you a saying that a running river is always better than an intermittent River, which in your opinion means what's right

 ðŸ’¬ To memorize a lot of words and sentences every two months and interrupted for months

 ðŸ’¬ Or that you memorize a few words and vocabulary every day constantly?

👉 Confusion with native language

How is that؟ Suppose you want to learn French, I mean if you say a German sentence for example normal to add words in French (even if your friends are surprised by it) important that you learn and enjoy 😉 

👉 if you don't find who to talk with, talk to yourself, not a problem, yes funny thing but this style is fun and useful, and also record your voice and hear the weaknesses in the pronunciation and try to correct it

👉 Try to be educated and educated at the same time

If you take information, save it and understand it well, try to explain it to a friend who is trying to learn what you want to learn 😉

👉 change the language of your phone and your computer to the language you want to learn will help you to memorize new words and automatically save them and you will use them a lot in your life (but if you encounter a problem in your phone do not change the language of settings), rely on yourself, translate and work to solve the problem without changing the language 💪

👉 be prepared to make mistakes and this thing is very normal, and more may fall into embarrassing situations and this thing will be difficult for you at first, but as the days go by you will know that if you do not make mistakes you will not learn 

👉 Currently we have provided you with ways to learn a new language, and the most effective way is your style and your way of learning   

In the end nothing easy and nothing difficult, just be diligent and passionate for every step you take in your life ❤ ️ 

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