Hello !
In this article I will give you a set of important sites for everyone who works in design, photo editing and video making, these free websites offer you ready templates to work on and modify them how you want and give you free videos as well as songs and sound effects and more I invite you to discover.
a site that contains abstract animated backgrounds, such as light lights that sparkle, geometric shapes that move, or other backgrounds that can be used as a background for text or for other parts within the video.
the videos provided on this site are by other users who capture some scenes with their camera lens and then share them with others through this platform.
the site offers a large number of animated scenes that serve as a background for videos and texts, they are of the type (Video Loop) where the last video is linked to the first so that video maker can copy the clip several times next to some in the time bar until it reaches the end of the video.
new videos every week, serve as animated background and casual scenes during video setting, clip length between 10 and 15 seconds, When you enter the site you will find the phrase Beautiful Free Stock Video Footage, Every day they have special and wonderful videos for free download.
a great site that offers you a huge amount of free videos, the 4K videos, It contains sections on behalf of countries as videos of the cities of the United States and the capitals of Europe and Asia, and also contains videos with famous techniques such as (Slow motion | Macro | Traffic | Time lapse | Architecture | Sunrise | Desert | Pedestrians | Landmark...)
great location offers a lot of videos, which carry license allows the use of those videos in any business (commercial or personal) and it takes the source stated
the website contains a lot of short videos, some of the high quality, there are also clips (slow motion) as well as clips and animated (Animation), over two and a half million high-quality photos, videos and music shared by talented content makers.
the world famous site for free high-quality images, and contains a full section for free videos.The best free stock photos, royalty free images & videos shared by creators.
When you download a photo or video, you should read a file with information about whether you have the right to use the images commercially or only personally.
A great site that contains many free videos. awesome Stock Video Clips, Stock Music, Sound Effects & Video Templates. Personally, I rely on this site a lot to get several beautiful and light Transition Elements for Premier Pro and After Effect, It also contains ready-made templates for both programs DaVinci Resolve and Final Cut Pro.
this platform offers both paid service and free service, they have a free section that contains more than a thousand free videos that can be used during the montage
Here ends our blog post, I hope to get your admiration and share it with your friends, and do not forget to continue to get all new.